Furniture and Accesories
FDI takes care of the production of these by painting every single piece by hand or through the printing of the decorations to be applied to the concerned support.
FDI decorazione mobiliIn the inside of our houses we love to surround ourselves with objects that represent us, from a piece of furniture to a picture or a single ornament. It’s a way to represent us. And where is the most important place to do so? Obviously, it’s the place that we call home.
FDI designs and makes objects for furnishing from furniture to decorative panels and from room dividers to paintings.
The technique used for object decoration, from furniture to panels to ceramic objects, is that which comes from ancient techniques that have been handed down from generation to generation.
Unless otherwise indicated, FDI prepares all of the supports to be decorated by using the same ingredients that have always been used, which guarantees the duration of each single piece.
FDI realizes decorations on furniture, doors, and furnishing objects, including decorative panels, room dividers, ceramic objects and more.
FDI takes care of the production of these by painting every single piece by hand or through the printing of the decorations to be applied to the concerned support.
It sometimes is the case that FDI has to take care of decorating vast areas for example, hotels. If the decoration of every door is chosen in the executive project, FDI is able to prepare a model sample and then reproduce the model as many times as needed without having to manually paint every door. By doing this, FDI is able to obtain two important characteristics: a savings on the final price and a savings on the time needed to complete the work, while at the same time maintaining